Waldorf education - that's behind it

At the latest when their child starts school, but sometimes even earlier, parents start thinking about which pedagogical approach should be used as the basis for the training.

Waldorf education is an anthroposophically influenced approach that was developed by Rudolf Steiner in 1920. Therefore, Walddorf schools or kindergartens are often also called Rudolf Steiner schools or kindergartens.

What is special about the anthroposophical forest village principle

According to Rudolf Steiner, humans are four-part beings whose different bodies are born in a seven-year rhythm, which is also called the seven-year cycle. School time includes the second and third bodies, which are the etheric and astral bodies. In the second seven years man learns, according to Steiner, through discipleship and authority. In the third, understanding and judgment are developed.

Based on these basic assumptions, intellectual-cognitive, artistic-creative and technical-practical skills are taught alongside one another on an equal footing in a Waldorf school. Art plays a very important role in this type of school and should find its place equally in all subjects.

From the first to the eighth grade, the entire lesson is given by just one class teacher. The school day usually begins with a two-hour epoch lesson. Here one of the main subjects is selected that is exclusively used for several weeks in a row. The rest of the school day is spent doing sports, handicrafts, making music or eurythmy. The languages occupy a special position in the Waldorf School. From the first grade onwards, the children receive lessons in two foreign languages. From the fifth grade onwards, another foreign language follows.

There are no grades in the Waldorf School up to the eighth grade, a performance assessment only takes place in written text form. From the ninth grade onwards, parents can also request a performance assessment with grades in digits.

Here parents should consider Waldorf education

In the Waldorf School there is no fixed curriculum, but the learning progress is based on the individual student. The notes and thus the need to “stay seated” are omitted. Therefore, the Waldorf School is considered to be an educational approach that is particularly suitable for students who react poorly to external pressure.

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